US Out Of Paris Agreement, World Climate Will Be Threatened
Illustration of forest fires due to climate problems (photo: dock. unsplash)

JAKARTA The United States, which plays an important role in reducing global carbon emissions, withdrew from the Paris Agreement. This deal has changed since Donald Trump officially served as US president.

This is not the first time Donald Trump has ignored efforts to contain the pace of climate change. When he first served as president, Trump removed the US from the deal. The US only rejoined after Joe Biden was elected 46th US president.

The Paris Agreement is an important agreement adopted by nearly 200 countries since 2015. Through this collaboration, the world is trying to stop the global average temperature rise that could affect the world's future.

Real evidence of climate change has been seen since last year. Global warming has made 2023 the hottest year in NASA records and this record has been replaced by 2024. When various countries are trying to achieve the Paris Agreement target, the US is the opposite.

According to Rachel Cleetus, Director of Policy and Head of Economics for Climate and Energy Programs at Union of Concerned Scientists, considers leaving the Paris Agreement a very fatal act as climate change is getting worse.

"(This action) clearly opposes scientific realities and shows a government that is very indifferent to the impact of severe climate change experienced by people in the United States and around the world," Rachel said, quoted by VOI through The Verge.

In fact, the order issued by Trump is indeed detrimental to the world, not only countries that are members of the agreement. The US is the largest emitter of carbon dioxide because this country is a leading producer of oil and gas.

That way, the US is affecting global warming a lot. Trump even stopped supporting electric vehicles to focus on oil and gas. This action shows that Trump does not care about climate change and is focused on profit seeking.

In fact, if examined again, various disasters have occurred due to climate change issues. The forest fires that occurred in Los Angeles in early January were also influenced by weather issues. If the US decides to appeal to climate change, the Paris Agreement's target will be difficult to achieve.

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