Snapchat Reported To DOJ On Charges Of Dangerous Chatbots
Snapchat was reported to the US Department of Justice (photo: dock. unsplash)

JAKARTA - A user complained about Snapchat's security to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). In the complaint, it was noted that the chatbot inside Snapchat was dangerous for young users.

This chatbot called My AI is supported by Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. After the complaint was received, the FTC referred the complaint to the Department of Justice (DOJ). However, it did not explain in detail what the contents of the complaint involved My AI.

The FTC only explains that this referral is still related to the results of a 2014 case settlement investigation, namely Snapchat is declared to have deceived consumers about the amount of personal data collected and the security measures the company is taking.

"The investigation revealed reasons to believe Snap violated or would violate the law," the FTC said, citing ConsumerAffairs. "We have decided that doing so (hidden the details of the complaint) here is for the public interest."

Meanwhile, a Snap spokesperson said that the complaint was based on "inaccuracies" so that the evidence was not so concrete. This complaint is also said to have come from the FCT which was divided at the end of US President Joe Biden's term.

"While we agree with the FTC in ensuring careful development of a careful AI, this complaint will hinder innovation and competition in an important and developing economic sector," the spokesperson said.

The spokesman explained that this baseless complaint could attack its community. Therefore, "We look forward to working with the new government (under the leadership of Donald Trump) in an AI policy that supports innovation."

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