JAKARTA Apple launched the developer's 18.3 beta version of iOS with some changes to Apple Intelligence. One of the changes that can be seen is the summary feature of the disabled notifications.
Some time ago, the summary feature of notifications received criticism from the BBC media for misinformation. This feature has no icon or special sign so that the summary shown in the notification column looks like it was made by the media.
One of the highlights of the content is an article about a man named Lugi Mangione who was arrested for being a suspect in the United HealthGroup CEO assassination case. However, Apple's summary feature actually states that, "Luigi shot herself."
For news media, this is a crucial problem that needs to be fixed by the company. In fact, the iPhone manufacturer has promised special improvements and signs to show that the summary that users see is made by them.
According to a 9to5mac report, a summary of notifications is being temporarily suspended for Apple to add some changes. In the next iOS beta release, the company will bring back a summary of notifications with better features.
When reactivated, the summary of notifications will look very different. Here are some changes to be included in the latest version of the notification summary:
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