JAKARTA Community Records, Meta-adaped X features, have begun to be tested on several social media platforms such as Facebook and Threads. Before its release, the feature limits were successfully revealed to the public.
According to sources familiar with the development of the Meta Community Records, citing from Reuters, this feature cannot be used in paid advertising. Contributors will be aware of this limit once the feature is released in a stable version by the end of the year.
Community records on all platforms covered by Meta can only be applied to organic or user-made content. In other words, organic content is content that is created without paying or not being promoted by Meta.
In addition to advertising, there are also reports stating that organic content from a brand or made by influencers will not be subject to Community Records. However, these two things have not been proven true because Meta has not provided further statements.
Since announcing the switch to Community Records, many rumors have revealed the feature. Although some rumors may be true, Meta asks the whole community not to be affected by rumors circulating on various platforms.
"Any statement about how products work outside of what we have officially communicated is speculation," a Meta spokesperson said in a statement.
The unnamed spokesman also said that Meta continues to monitor the development of Community Records. This is part of Meta's commitment to supporting freedom of speech because they have stopped examining independent facts.
"We will make a transition to Community Records in the next few months in the United States and, like the launch of other new products, we will continue to evaluate and refine them throughout the year," said a Meta spokesperson.
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