Google Search Reaches Lowest Market Share Since 2015
Google Search has decreased (photo: dock. unsplash)

JAKARTA Google Search is a popular search engine in the world because this tool can be accessed anywhere. In fact, the majority of Android-based devices use Google Search by default.

However, the presence of Google Search has begun to be slowly eliminated by its competitors. With so many search engines available today, Google Search has finally reached its lowest share according to the results of SearchEngineLand analysis.

Google Search's market share has experienced a decline in the world over the past three months and the percentage has been below 90 percent. This is the first time since a decade ago.

The last time Google Search's market share was below 90 percent was around the beginning of 2015. This data is likely to be accurate because it comes from tracking data on millions of websites provided by StatCounter.

Although Google Search still dominates in various parts of the world, this decline may be due to the widespread use of generating Artificial Intelligence (AI). What's more, OpenAI recently launched ChatGPT Search.

In addition, TikTok's popularity also affects this change. If previously people relied on Google to find everything, starting from simple and complex information, now many have switched to TikTok.

This video distribution platform is filled with informative content that users prefer because its visualization is easier to understand. Unlike Google, which is dominated by text and most users may be lazy to read.

Last year, TikTok also tested an integrated search with Google so that users can more easily access information. This decline could continue to occur in the future if platforms like TikTok continue to dominate.

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