TikTok Promises Salaries And Allowances To Defend US Employees
TikTok is trying to keep workers in the US (photo: dock. Pixabay)

JAKARTA TikTok workers in the US may be worried about their careers because of the ban that will take effect in the near future. Amid those concerns, TikTok promises something profitable.

To all of its employees, through an internal memo of the company reviewed by Reuters, TikTok leaders said that they would continue to pay salaries and allowances as usual. In fact, the TikTok office will remain open even though the divestment rules remain in effect.

"I want to emphasize that as employees in the US, your work, salary, and allowances are safe, and our office will remain open, even if this situation is not resolved before the January 19 deadline," TikTok leadership wrote in the memo.

This is good news for employees who still want to work on the popular platform. Even though the US Supreme Court seems to side with the rules set, TikTok still has hope by waiting for the actions of Elect President Donald Trump.

Since the campaign period, Trump has continued to voice his support for TikTok. The former president feels that TikTok has good and beneficial potential for the US people, as well as its government, so he wants to defend TikTok.

However, Trump only took office a day after the ban on TikTok came into effect. While waiting for Trump to resolve political issues related to the rules for divestment of TikTok, the company will look for other ways to stay in the US.

"Our leadership team remains focused on planning various scenarios and continues to plan its way forward," TikTok said. "This bill is not structured in a way that has an impact on the entity where you work, only the user experience in the US."

TikTok pun menekankan bahwa mereka akan tetap melindungi 7.000 karyawan yang bekerja di AS dan melindungi hak 170 juta penggunanya. Untuk melihat bagaimana masa depan platform ini, kita mungkin perlu menunggu sampai Trump resmi menjabat.

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