JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Digital Affairs Meutya Hafid officially inaugurated public figure Raline Shah as Special Staff to the Minister of Communication and Trade for Global Partnerships and Digital Education.
Meutya emphasized that the appointment of Raline as the Minister of Trade's Staff was not because he was an artist, but because according to him, Komdigi needed new ideas from Raline as an art worker.
"So we want to include all of these perspectives to this office in order to make inclusive policies for all," said Meutya after the inauguration ceremony of the Komdigi High Officer Monday, January 13 in Jakarta.
In addition, the Minister of Trade also assessed that Raline has a strong global network and foreign relations. So it is hoped that it can explore more global partnerships in the future.
Meanwhile, in carrying out its duties in terms of digital education, Meutya believes that figures who are familiar with the public will have a bigger impact. So that later, it is hoped that the public will be able to hear more about the education provided.
"We really want our children to be educated on how to use the internet wisely, which is useful and there is no need for the Minister to explain one by one but maybe figures who are familiar with the public can be heard more by our younger generation," he said.
Meanwhile, Raline Shah believes that she is able to work well through her new position. He also asked for support from the whole community, in carrying out his new duties.
"Given this mandate and I really feel that I have a role here, I have the capability here and also want to contribute and give my best in my role," said Raline.
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