Synergizing, Komdigi Strengthens Digital Transformation with BAPPISUS
Menkomdigi Meutya Hafid (foto: dok. Komdigi)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Digital (Komdigi) and the Development Control and Special Investigation Agency (BAPPISUS) recently collaborated to support the creation of a more efficient, transparent, and accountable government.

According to Menkomdigi Meutya Hafid, this synergy with BAPPISUS is part of an important step to ensure that Komdigi programs run in accordance with President Prabowo Subianto's direction.

The digital transformation carried out by Kemkomdigi covers various sectors, from the digitalization of public services to the digital taxation system, digital payments, and strengthening digital security.

"The President always emphasizes the importance of efficiency in every program. With this collaboration, we ensure that the digitalization of government services is not only innovative, but also right on target," said Meutya.

The Head of BAPPISUS, Aris Marsudiyanto, also highlighted the importance of utilizing technology to create responsive, fast, and clean governance.

According to Aris, information technology is the main foundation in ensuring governance that is free from deviations, while encouraging other sectors such as MSMEs to grow through digitalization.

In addition, Kemkomdigi and BAPPISUS also agreed that security and efficiency are key elements in every digital initiative. In addition to supporting public services, digital transformation is also expected to increase state revenue through the implementation of a transparent and reliable system.

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