Komdigi Successfully Identify 1,923 Hoax Content Throughout 2024
Finding Komdigi hoax content (photo: dock. Komdigi)

JAKARTA - Throughout 2024, the Ministry of Communication and Digital Affairs has succeeded in identifying and clarifying 1,923 hoax content, fake news and false information in the digital space.

Based on the results of monitoring by the AIS team of the Content Control Sub-Directorate of the Directorate General of Informatics Applications at the Ministry of Communication and Industry, the most hoax content was identified in October 2024, with 215 content.

As for the details of finding hoax content every month throughout 2024 covering January as much as 143 content, February as much as 131 content, March as much as 162 content, April as much as 143 content, May as much as 164 content, June as much as 153 content.

Furthermore, the findings of hoax content in July were 170 content, August 162 content, September 173 content, October 215 content, November 166 content and December 141 content.

The AIS Team of Content Control Sub-Directorates of the Directorate General of Aptika also found that the most categories of hoax content contained fraud, namely 890 content. Meanwhile, the least findings are in the category of myths with 6 content.

Overall, the categories and numbers of hoax content findings include 237 political content categories, 214 content governments, 163 health content, 145 content disasters, and 84 content others.

Meanwhile, the findings of hoaxes in the international category and defamation as much as 50 content, trade as much as 35 content, crime as much as 33 content, religion and education as many as 8 content and myths as many as 6 content.

The Ministry of Communication and Digigi appealed to netizens who found or received electronic information that should be suspected and doubted the truth immediately to report it through the content complaint channel at the @kominfo.go.id complaint or the X @aduankonten account or via the WhatsApp instant messaging application at 081-1922-4545.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)