How To Add And See Different Time Zones On IPhone
Illustration of clocks on iPhone (photo: Apple)

JAKARTA - Knowing that some time zones are very important when traveling or communicating with friends or family who live abroad.

Instead of manually calculating the time difference, you can see local time in time zones around the world automatically on your iPhone.

Well, if you want to add or view a time zone different from the rest of the world, follow the following steps:

You have to open the Jam app every time you want to see the time. This method may be possible if you just want to view the time zone from various regions occasionally.

However, if you need to check the time zone in various regions more often, you can display a few hours on your iPhone's main screen.

You can do this using the World Clock widget, and add this widget to your main screen. To do so, follow the following steps:

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