Cyber Observer Ensures Customer Funds Are Safe Even Though Bank Data Leaks, How Come?
Illustration of ransomware. (photo: Ministry of Finance)

JAKARTA - Some time ago, there were several alleged cyber incidents that occurred against major banks in Indonesia, including the Indonesian State Bank (BNI), Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) and Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI).

Even though the BSI server was even down for several days, the bank ensured that customer funds remained safe. Likewise with BRI who said that current customer data and funds remained safe amid the alleged Bashe Ransomware attack.

Cybersecurity observer and Chairman of the CISSReC Cyber Security Research Institute, Pratama Persadha, said that BRI has a good backup system and recovery procedures so as not to cause a blackout of its services.

The same thing was said by the cybersecurity adviser who is familiarly called Mr Bert. In his post on Instagram, Mrt Bert emphasized that customer funds will remain safe.

"Using logic, he asked for ransomware, right? He asked for a ransom, right? If he doesn't pay, we will distribute your data. So, he can't transfer money from BRI bank to other banks, if he can move, why did he ask for a ransom? " he explained.

Although the leaked BRI data includes a name, date of birth, cellphone number, card number, approved Bank, biological mother's name and full address including the company's name, it will not allow attackers to move customer funds.

The reason is, this was also confirmed by another cyber observer, Alfons Tanujaya. To VOI, Alfons had said that the name data of the biological mother could not break into customer funds.

Because according to him, the takeover of funds from an account to another account requires the person's mobile banking credentials.

If your mobile banking credentials are taken and your OTP is taken, there can be a takeover of funds. But taking over the account is almost impossible to happen with only population data and the name of the biological mother's girl," he said.

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