How To Set Margins In Google Docs And Patokan The Size
How to Set Margin in Google Docs (screenshot)

YOGYAKARTA In Google Docs there is a feature that helps users adjust the edge empty space of the typing area, the feature is called margin. By setting the margin, the number results are neater because the text length will not exceed the edge boundary of the page. To use this feature, you know how to set the margin in Google Docs.

Mastering the Google Docs margin settings is a trick in Google Documents that need to be mastered in order to adjust the document format at any time. Settings can start before the document typing is done, it can also be arranged after the document is completed.

Set the margin before starting typing allows users to have a suitable document format from start to finish. The following is a tutorial or margin settings procedure.

This margin setting is needed to change the edgeline of the document that has been completed, either on the whole or in part of the document page. Here are the steps to set the margin in Google Docs.

Ruler (the ruler) is a feature that resembles a ruler in Google Docs. The appearance of the Ruller is on the edge of the document and can be shifted as desired. How to set the margin through the Ruller is as follows.

Each document has different margin rules. The following is the size of the margin according to the document in general.

Those are some ways to adjust margins in Google Docs. Visit to get more interesting information.

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