Apple Ready To Release IOS 18.2 To The Public, Here's A List Of Its Latest Features
Apple's new feature display (photo: Doc. Apple)

JAKARTA After releasing the fourth beta iOS 18.2 some time ago, Apple is now preparing to launch a more stable version. This stable iOS candidate is ready to be distributed to a number of iPhones.

As Apple promised before, this latest iOS still includes a Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based feature, part of Apple Intelligence's innovation, which has not yet been released in the first minor version of 18.1. Unfortunately, this AI-based feature is only available for the latest iPhone.

Apple Intelligence is designed specifically for the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max as well as the iPhone 16 series. Standard iPhone 15 users and older ones will not get quite sophisticated features due to chip limitations on their phones.

There are several features that are certain to be available in the stable version of iOS 18.2. If you are a compatible iPhone model with Apple Intelligence, here are some updates you need to know, citing Appleinsider reports.

Integration Of ChatGPT To Writing Tools And Siri

Many already know that Apple decided to partner with ChatGPT in developing some of its features. In the iOS 18.2 update, Writing Tools can develop or create text ideas without the need to switch apps.

This ability is supported by ChatGPT. Meanwhile, Siri will now be more flexible in answering user questions. When there is something you want to ask, outside of the device's needs, Siri will forward his question to ChatGPT.

Special Visual Intelligence on the iPhone 16

For users of the latest iPhone series, Apple will provide a special feature that can help users find information quickly. In this feature, Apple combines its AI capabilities with camera controls.

Users can click and hold the control button while moving their phone to the object they want to know. This camera can also be directed to their closest location. When directed, Apple will provide information through a generating AI software.

Still related to the Camera Control capability, users can also adjust the click speed on the iPhone 16. If previously there was only a default in the settings, now users will find Slower and Slower options.

AI-Based Playground Image

Still part of Apple Intelligence, the Image Playground feature will help users generate AI images. With this feature, users can provide the desired image prompt and the generating AI will create it.

The image of Playground can produce images of views, objects, or even people they know. To limit unwanted actions, Apple certainly provides boundaries in the creation of copyrighted characters.

There are still many features to be found in iOS 18.2 such as a unique emoji maker through the Genmoji feature, the ability to sort messages in Mail into predetermined categories, share lost AirTag locations in Find My, and much more.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by