Android Loses Dark Sky Weather Application After Apple Acquired
Dark Sky weather app (doc. 9to5mac)

JAKARTA - Apple announced that it has acquired a weather application called Dark Sky. That means Dark Sky will no longer release its application for the Android version.

Summarized by The Verge, there was no mention of the nominal amount of money that had to be issued by Apple to acquire Dark Sky. Moreover, this weather application is quite popular for Android and Wear OS users.

"Dark Sky is no longer available on Android and Wear OS. We will continue this service until July 1, 2020. After that, the service will be turned off. Customers who are still active will get a refund," wrote Dark Sky Co-founder Adam Grossman Dark Sky. through its official website.

After July 1, 2020, Dark Sky will only be available for iOS devices at a price of US $ 3.99. Apple itself is reportedly planning to make Dark Sky the default application on iOS devices.

Moreover, it has been a long time since the Weather application on iOS has received a major update since switching from Yahoo to the Weather Channel as its data source on iOS 8. With the acquisition of Dark Sky, it will certainly improve iOS performance in forecasting the weather.

On the other hand, application programming interface (API) support for Dark Sky will continue until the end of 2021. But for the time being Dark Sky will not accept new registrations for developers who use the weather data from the app.

The Dark Sky application is fairly popular in a number of countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland and Puerto Rico. Because this application relies on artificial intelligence to produce accurate weather forecasts, even up to a matter of minutes.

Not to mention that weather data via the Dark Sky API is often used by a number of popular services such as the Google Chrome weather extension, Carrot Weather, DuckDuck Go, Microsoft, Runkeeper, and Yelp. Along with the acquisition of Dark Sky by Apple, of course, some weather applications must immediately look for other data sources.

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