TikTok Prevents Disinformation Spread Ahead Of Pilkada
TikTok campaigns #Palingjagato prevent disinformation (photo: Rana/VOI)

JAKARTA Towards the Pilkada season, TikTok realizes that misinformation content will increase again like the election season at the beginning of this year. Therefore, the #Palingjaga campaign was re-introduced.

Through the #SalingJaga campaign this time, TikTok wants to invite all users to be smarter in dealing with hoax content or disinformation. According to TikTok, users must be smarter in choosing and sharing content.

"Zaman has changed. Now, being skeptical is the same as being critical. Currently we have a flood of information so we have to be smart in choosing content," said Anggini Setiawan, Communications Director of TikTok Indonesia, on Thursday, November 7.

Anggini said that the Platform, Process, and People (3P) played an important role in dealing with the spread of information. However, of these three, People are the most important element because humans are a source of information and who manage the information itself.

To keep its platform from disinformation content, TikTok is trying to enforce Community Guidelines and Moderation firmly. Through this application, TikTok has removed more than 11 million videos that violate Community Guidelines per second quarter of this year.

The video spread platform has also removed 345 million fake verified accounts globally and removed more than a billion comments deemed to violate TikTok's policies or disrupt the convenience of video creators.

TikTok has also presented various features that can help its platform get rid of disinformation content. There are Uninterested features, video keywords filters, account labeling for account type verification, and reporting for videos.

"We take everything seriously," said Anggini. "Through the #SalingJaga campaign, we want to raise awareness, especially the public at large, that we have our respective roles. TikTok takes our role to maintain security very seriously."

Meanwhile, Rye as creator of TikTok said influencers also played an important role in overcoming hoaxes. Rye asked other TikTok creators to stop sharing false information just to get paid.

"In my opinion, the role of creators so they don't share the key information, I hope they don't consider their followers just numbers because they (followers) are also humans," said Rey.

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