Report: Community Notes X Is Considered Failed To Screen Fake News About US Elections
Illustration of platform X (photo: Unsplash)

JAKARTA - A report from the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) revealed that X's crowd-source-based fact-checking community Notes failed to counter fake news about US elections.

In the report, of the 283 uploads analyzed, CCDH found that as many as 209 or 74 percent of the uploads did not display accurate records and were considered misleading about US elections.

The post samples analyzed in the study have even been watched more than 2.2 billion times on Elon Musk's social media platform, and are still active and continue to be disseminated.

We identified 79 posts promoting the false claim that the 2020 US presidential election was stolen without Community Notes.

👀 These misleading posts amassed 184 million views on X. They all had proposed fact-checks that aren't being displayed to users.

The study lists several false or misleading claims that have earned millions to tens of millions of views, including:

Then, CCD Hate also found that regular posts containing misleading information had 13 times more views than their Community Records.

According to them, this is because the fact-checking feature X is considered slow in compiling and displaying notes, so that the post has already received a lot of views before the record is active.

Recently, X has also redesigned the Community Notes system on its platform, allowing the notes made to be posted much faster than before.

Called the Lightning Notes, the Elon Musk's social network said that this update would allow records to be posted less than 20 minutes from the time records were written.

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