How To Fix Speakers That Don't Work On Android Phones
Illustration of listening to sounds from the phone (photo: dock. unsplash)

JAKARTA Speaker is one of the components needed on the device, especially on the phone. This component is very much needed to produce audio during the call or playback of the song.

If the speaker on your Android phone has a problem, doesn't even want to release audio at all, there are several things that can be a factor, ranging from dirt that clogs the output hole to problems with the software.

However, you don't need to panic because some problems on the speaker can still be solved easily. Here are some tips that can restore the sound on the speaker, quoted from Android Police.

Check Dirt On Mobile And Casing

Factors that may make your speaker not make sound are accumulated dirt, both in the hole and in the casing. When the dirt accumulates, the speaker will find it difficult to output the sound.

If you see dirt in the speaker hole, you can clean the dirt using a small peniti or pentul needle. Make sure not to enter the needle too deeply so as not to damage the speaker on the inside.

Audio Device Connection Periaka

Speakers on your phone may not have a problem, but there is a device blocking the speaker from clicking. For example, you forgot to turn off the earbuds connection so that the audio is still coming out through the audio device.

The easiest way is to turn off Bluetooth. When the wireless technology is turned off, the phone speaker will return to function. You also need to check if the app you want to play is being used on other devices.

For example, when you want to play songs on Spotify, no sound comes out even though the song is already running. Most likely, this app is running on another device so you need to turn off the application connection on unwanted devices.

Problems with Software

If your Android phone still doesn't make a sound after doing some of the tips above, you can fix the problem in the simplest way possible, namely turning off the phone and restarting it afterwards.

Sometimes, problems with speakers or other phone components arise due to bugs or software errors. Therefore, you need to try this method, after which check again if the audio on the speaker is working as before.

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