Three Factors That Slow Down Mobile Charging
Illustration of cell phone charging (photo: dock. unsplash)

JAKARTA - Currently, charging mobile phones is getting faster thanks to the fast charging feature used by several mobile phone manufacturers. Fast charging is also influenced by USB-C cables with larger watts.

With supporting features and cables, mobile phone users no longer need to charge for several hours. However, sometimes charging can run into problems so that charging should take under an hour.

If your phone is experiencing this problem, you need to know some of the factors that affect it so that the problem can be resolved. Here are three factors that may slow your phone's charging.

Cables Or Heads Of Exchange Chargers

The common problem is the phone charger that is swapped with someone else's. If you don't live alone at home, you need to check if your charger is swapped.

If your phone usually uses a 67W charger and suddenly switches to 30W, you will definitely feel the difference. Although 30W charging is fast enough compared to 15W, 67W chargers are certainly much better.

Troubled Battery Health

The next factor that affects the slow pace of charging is poor battery health. You may get used to using heavy applications to constantly overheating your phone or charging excessively so that the quality of the battery decreases.

If this problem is already affected by battery problems, there is no other choice but to replace the battery with a newer one. If left unchecked, your phone's performance will also be disrupted and maybe your device will be damaged in the future.

High Environmental Temperature

If you want to charge your phone, you have to make sure whether the surrounding environment is supportive. When you charge in a hot environment such as campus terraces or other places, your phone can experience overheating.

When overheating, charging will be disrupted. In fact, some phones will stop charging automatically when the overheating occurs. Therefore, you have to charge your phone in an environment with moderate temperature.

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