ChatGPT Now Has 200 Million Weekly Users
ChatGPT users are increasing (photo: dock. OpenAI)

JAKARTA ChatGPT, the chatbot developed by OpenAI, has reached its latest milestone. The company says that this Artificial Intelligence (AI) model already has 200 million active weekly users.

This news was shared directly by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman to Axios. In November last year, the number of active weekly users on the ChatGPT was still 100 million. Now, the number of users has doubled because AI is a daily necessity for now.

"People now use our devices as part of everyday life, making real differences in fields such as health care and education. That's helping routine tasks, solving difficult problems, or creating creativity," Altman said in a statement.

This increase in the number of active users is supported by companies that switch to ChatGPT. According to OpenAI, 92 percent of the 500 best companies set by Fortune have used OpenAI products, including ChatGPT with natural language processing (NLP).

In addition to the increasing number of active users, the number of ChatGPT API users has also increased thanks to the launch of the mini GPT-4o model last July. The use of AI ChatGPT has doubled, but OpenAI did not disclose the specific number.

The number of ChatGPT users is expected to increase rapidly after iOS 18 is launched in September. This chatbot will be integrated with Siri's virtual assistant so that iPhone users can more frequently access ChatGPT.

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