Samsung Electronics Advances To The AI Cyber Competition Finals In The US
Atlanta team from Samsung Electronics at AIxCC (photo: Samsung)

Samsung Electronics is one of the top seven teams to reach the AI Cyber Challenge (AIxCC) final round, an AI-based cybersecurity competition for two years organized by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is a research and development institution owned by the United States Department of Defense (US).

The AIxCC competition aims to promote the development of new technologies to improve the security of computer codes for social infrastructure systems including transportation, public utilities, and health services.

Samsung itself formed the Atlanta Team, which consists of more than 30 security researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology, New York University (NYU), Korea's Institute of Advanced Science and Technology (KAIST), Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) and Samsung Research.

During the semifinals, the Atlanta Team demonstrated the system's ability to automatically detect security vulnerabilities in large-scale software and implement security patches using their systems.

The Atlanta team received significant recognition from the organizers for being the only team from 39 teams to find a vulnerability that has actually been prepared specifically for the competition.

"We will prepare thoroughly for the upcoming final round by diversifying AI applications and researching programming languages and preventive measures against vulnerabilities," said Taesoo Kim, Samsung Research's Vice President, who leads the Atlanta Team.

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