Claude Vs ChatGPT App, Which Is Better?
ChatGPT and Claude comparisons (photo: dock. unsplash)

JAKARTA Currently, there are many applications of Artificial Intelligence chatbots (AIs) that can be downloaded and used on mobile phones. Once the mobile app version of Claude is launched, the choice of chatbot applications is growing. Anthropic and OpenAI are the two largest companies in the AI field so you may be confused about which chatbot applications are better. To find out which is the superior, here are the comparisons of the Claude and ChatGPT applications, reported by How to Geek. The Entry and Use Process of both Claude and ChatGPT, both make it easier for the login or entering the application. You can also easily create both accounts. For the application usage process, Claude and ChatGPT have a tokenization system. With a tokenization system, these two applications have limitations in processing orders. The longer the tokens, Claude and ChatGPT, can have difficulty processing orders. Moreover, if the designated tokens are already exhausted, you have to wait until the tokens are reset. If Claude runs out of tokens, you have to wait until the chatbot model is retuned on the day of change. However, if ChatGPT runs out of tokens, you can switch to a paid mini GPT-4o model. Application performance From the performance side, both overcome orders in a different way. When asked to create short storylines, both of them provide assistance that are in accordance with orders. These applications will give eight seconds to provide responses. This application will provide a basis that can still be developed so as not limit your creativity. The synopsis given is also not too detailed. However, ChatGPT provides more detailed responses with clear structures, such as stages in each round, backgrounds, to the framework to each round.

ChatGPT provides a framework for solving the story and provides complete clues to create a short story. This response can provide a wider idea, but it can also limit ideas. With a complex answer, ChatGPT takes up to 43 seconds. Judging from this comparison, you can adjust which one is better for you because everyone has their own needs. If you like a simple and precise response, you can choose Claude. However, if you prefer a very detailed answer, you can use a ChatGPT.

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