Causes Of Overheat IPhone And How To Overcome It
Tutorial overcoming the iPhone overheat (photo: dock. Apple)

JAKARTA Overheating or overheating is a problem that is often found in various types of cellphones, including iPhones. The reason is, this phone does not have the technology to keep the temperature stable. Although it is easy to heat, overheating is a condition that must be addressed. If the device is allowed to experience continuous overheating, the internal iPhone component can be damaged so you have to find out what the cause is. Reporting from How to Geek, the iPhone does not have a hot absorbing system so that the iPhone can heat over time. However, this heat should be in the normal stage and keep you comfortable while using it. When the iPhone experiences overheating, then an error occurs. The heat that appears excessively is based on the use of the phone for certain activity. Here are some of the triggers.

Overcoming Overheat on the iPhone Overheat doesn't last forever and can be lowered back to normal temperatures. To make the device temperature drop quickly, you have to release the casing first, then fan the back of your iPhone. Don't apply the iPhone manually. It's best to put your phone near any fan or buy a special fan to cool the device. Usually, this special fan has to be attached to the back of the phone. If you're charging your phone, stop charging it first by unplugging the charger. Wait a few minutes, then you can charge it again. Don't play the device while charging is done.

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