Continue Negotiations With OpenAI, Apple Wants To Present AI Supporting Tools On IOS 18
Apple (Photo: Unsplash)

JAKARTA Apple is developing various Artificial Intelligence (AI) features in their latest system, iOS 18. Reportedly, several AI features in iOS 18 will be supported by ChatGPT, OpenAI's AI chatbot.

This collaboration between Apple and OpenAI has been explored since the beginning of the year. This is known after Apple was seen carrying out internal testing with ChatGPT. Although the AI tools have been tested, both of them have not officially cooperated.

The latest Bloomberg report says that Apple and OpenAI are continuing negotiations and a potential partnership for the use of ChatGPT in several iPhone and iPad features. Closest Apple sources also said that the tools from OpenAI will be integrated into iOS 18.

These negotiations focus on the use of tools that support AI-based chatbots. It is not yet known whether this tool will replace Siri's position. However, 9to5mac had found Siri Summarization's framework which was integrated with ChatGPT.

In addition to using ChatGPT, other news says that Apple is working on Gemini users in iOS 18. The company is also discussing with Google a deal in terms of costs.

The New York Times, last month, reported that Apple and Google were still discussing various matters of adherence. They have not yet reached the core and have not determined the scope of the agreement to be built.

Apart from exploring partnerships with OpenAI and Google, Apple is also secretly negotiating with Baidu, a Chinese AI company. Technology from Baidu will be added to iPhones produced specifically for users in China as Google is not operating in the country.

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