Study Reveals Children Who Are Addicted To Smartphones And Video Games Are More At Risk Of Experiencing Psychotics In The Future "
Many children are addicted to gadgets. (photo: dock. pexels)

JAKARTA - A study shows that children who are addicted to smartphones, iPads, and video games are more likely to experience episodes of fun in the future.

Scientists have found that the use of smartphones and social media in adolescence is related tokatanism, promulgation, hallucinations, and'strange ideas' at a time when a person reaches the age of 23.

However, researchers say that the technology itself may not be the cause of the problem and that child addiction to these devices could be a warning that they are already vulnerable to mental disorders.

Writing in the journal JAMA Psychiatry, the Canadian research team conducting the study said: The use of higher media and mental health problems appear to have the same risk factors, such as the mental health problems of the elderly, loneliness, harassment, and problems of parental-child relationships.

Researchers suggest that clinicians consider why a teenager who is addicted to gadgets and suffers from the flaring experience became addicted at first, before blaming the technology.

The study also warns that forcing young people who are addicted to sudden stops from using the screen may not help and could be more dangerous.

Studies saw media habits and experience of 2,120 Canadians born in 1997 and 1998. The study found that those who drastically reduced their computer use still had more frequent experience in adults, even after other personal experiences were considered.

It also says the use of the internet is more closely related to depression than video games or television viewing. Meanwhile, playing games may support emotional regulation and the development of social skills more than 'parable' forms of technology such as TV.

"The use of high digital technology in adolescence can be an early marker, not a cause, of mental health problems in the future," said Dr. Simona Skripkaskaite, from the University of Oxford.

He added that experts'step' from the view of digital technology as the 'root of the causes of all contemporary problems'. The existing personal conditions often underlie both the use of higher media and mental health difficulties," he added.

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