How To Pay BPJS Health Via Linkaja: Now It's Getting Easier Deh!
How to Pay BPJS Health Via Linkaja (photo: dock. Antara)

YOGYAKARTA - The BPJ Program for the Government's program in implementing health and labor guarantees for the Indonesian people, basically must be accompanied by all Indonesian citizens.

The participation of residents in the National Health Insurance has now reached the target set by the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN).

But unfortunately, there are still many people who are experiencing difficulties in paying BPJS Health contributions.

Responding to this problem, LinkAja presents a solution where people who want to pay BPJS Health contributions can implement it in the LinkAja application.

Not only paying BPJS Kesehatan contributions, but the public can also pay BPJS Ketenagakerjaan contributions through the LinkAja application.

The presence of the BPJS Kesehatan contribution payment feature in the LinkAja application, is a further step in facilitating the essential needs of the community, this payment feature is also carried out to encourage financial inclusion in Indonesia, which is part of our efforts to unite Indonesia's potential through the synergy of the BUMN ecosystem," said Yogi Rizkian Bahar, President Director of LinkAja.

To be able to pay BPJS Kesehatan contributions through the LinkAja application, people are required to have an application on their smartphone, or if they have not been able to download the application on the App Store and Play Store after that carry out the following steps:

For information, BPJS Kesehatan payments through the LinkAja application are claimed to be free of additional costs.

Not only that, but through public applications, people can also check their bills or BPJS Health contributions.

Currently, LinkAja also provides a promo for each BPJS Health contribution payment that applies to its users.

How To Check BPJS Health Virtual Account

No Virtual Account is a unique identification in the form of mixed numbers given to BPJS Health participants to facilitate the payment process for dues through various methods, such as through banks or mobile applications.

Containing certain information, including bank codes and participant membership nos, so that each payment transaction can be carried out accurately and effectively.

For participants who forget the virtual account, there are several methods to find out, namely through the JKN mobile application and several other alternatives. BPJS Kesehatan is one of the services that guarantees health for participants who participate in this government program. Every month, BPJS Kesehatan participants will pay dues or bills.

Through The JKN Mobile Application

First, make sure you have the JKN Mobile application on your respective cellphones. If not, download first. After that, follow the following steps:

Checking Through Social Media

Technological advances facilitate communication with BPJS through official social media. The steps as follows:

Call the official BPJS account on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.

Communication via social media allows participants' questions to be answered without having to come directly to the BPJS office.

In addition, it would be nice for you to also read: 'How to Claim Work Accident BPJS Ketenagakerjaan' so you can find out the conditions and the money that will be obtained.

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