Death Stranding 2: On The Beach Will Be Released Exclusively At PS5 In 2025
Death Stranding 2: On the Beach will be launched next year (photo: PlaySatation)

JAKARTA - Sony Interactive Entertainment during the State of Play live broadcast confirmed that Death Stranding 2: On the Beach will be launched exclusively on PlayStation 5 in 2025.

In addition to announcing the launch date, Sony also shared a gameplay trailer for the game, featuring Sam and his partner having brought America back together during its original game shows.

In Death Stranding 2, they will also move to a new location, although their goal remains the same, namely to reunite the world and fight against the threat of Death Stranding.

"Mulailah misi inspiratif kontonesi manusia di luar UCA. Sam dengan teman-teman di sepihaknya memulai perjalanan baru untuk menyelamatkan manusia dari kematian," tulis pengembang dalam keterangan gimnya.

Drawbridge, a new civilian outfit working with Fragile, led the allegations, and did so with financial support from an unknown mysterious philanthropist.

Meanwhile, the Higgs, played by Troy Baker, also returned and used the sci-fi guitar as his main weapon to fire lightning. Meanwhile Sam also has a new friend in the form of a doll hanging in front of his pants.

"Death Stranding 2: On the Beach will see Norman Reedus, Léa Seydoux, and Troy Baker return to the Hideo Kojima genre that opposes the universe. They will join Elle Fanning, Shioli Kutsuna, and Academy Award winning film director George Miller," he added.

Hideo Kojima joins old collaborator Yoji Shinkawa who will direct the characters and mechanical designs, with Ludvig Forsell and Kyle Cooper playing their respective roles as music directors and title designers.

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