Top 10 Skills That Are Rising Leaves, ChatGPT Is The Highest
Skills about ChatGPT are most in demand (photo: OpenAI)

JAKARTA - The Udemy report, which is Global Learning & Skills Trends 2024, reveals the most attractive skills that are predicted to shape the future of work in 2024 and beyond, there are several things.

Indonesia's work environment continues to grow in the face of rapid changes due to revolutionary innovations such as generative AI. This changes the way we work fundamentally and reshape our professional environment," said Giri Suhardi, Head of Indonesia at Udemy.

Giri mentioned that it is very important for leaders to support the team through this transformation through flexible learning opportunities.

"Therefore, strengthening operational efficiency and having new skills is the main key so that our workforce can not only adapt, but also continue to develop in the midst of this evolved era," he added.

This year's report highlights skills that show the most significant growth rate. Some of them are skills that have not been widely used in previous years such as ChatGPT.

The following are 10 skills that are on the rise that need to be mastered by professionals, which need to be prepared for 2024:

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