After Overheating Problems, The IOS 17 Update Even Makes The IPhone Turn Off Without Cause
The iOS 17 system is now facing a new problem because the iPhone device died for no reason (photo: dock. Apple)

JAKARTA - Apple recently launched the latest version of iOS 17, which is 17.0.3. This version is an update from Apple to solve overheating problems on the iPhone 15.

However, another problem arose after this update. Quoting from Techradar, some iPhone users reported interference on their phones. Their iPhone mysteriously goes off for a few hours at night.

The cause of this problem is not yet known, but some people suspect it is because the iOS 17.Apple update has not yet responded, so users continue to make speculations.

This problem itself needs to be addressed because users may wake up late because their alarm is not on, precisely because their phone turns off suddenly at night.

Of the various complaints collected, the re-bootting problem does not only occur on the iPhone 15 which was just launched a few weeks ago. Most of the iOS 17.0.3 users on compatible iPhone devices feel this problem.

Given that Apple has not provided any assistance to address this issue, a number of iPhone users are trying to provide suggestions such as managing phone memory better or not using it aggressively.

In addition, users are advised to set Optimal Charging on batteries. However, some of these suggestions are still unclear about its success so that responses from Apple are urgently needed.

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