WhatsApp Now Launches Latest Beta Version, Can Be Downloaded on iPad
Illustration of the Whatsapp application that can be operated on the iPad (photo: Doc. Pixabay)

JAKARTA - After not being available for iPad for a long time, WhatsApp will finally provide a compatible version for Apple's tablet.

In its official release, WhatsApp stated that the company was testing a version of the iOS application that would later also be available on the iPad. Unfortunately, there is no definite time regarding the compatible version for this iPad.

WhatsApp needs to test first by releasing an app built with Mac Catalyst, the technology Apple created to run iOS code on macOS.

Even though the official application has not been released, WhatsApp has released a beta version that is compatible for iPad. This version can be downloaded via the TestFlight application for users who can use the beta application.

As explained by WhatsApp, you need to install the iOS beta version of the application first on your iPhone and iPad before you can operate WhatsApp.

Once you have WhatsApp on your iPhone, you need to scan your WhatsApp QR code using your iPad. After scanning, your iPad can connect to WhatsApp.

This beta version will not cause your messages to arrive late because it has been synchronized with your iPhone. However, keep in mind that WhatsApp on the iPad is not fully functional because it is still in beta.

Some features will be difficult to operate or may not even function properly, such as the ability to view or post status updates on WhatsApp. While waiting for the WhatsApp version on the App Store, you can operate this beta version as a temporary alternative.

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