Here's How To Install And Enable IPadOS 17 Beta
Illustration of iPad Apple (photo: Unsplash)

JAKARTA - In addition to releasing the developer beta version for iOS 17, Apple also launched a beta developer for the iPadOS 17, which will arrive simultaneously this fall.

There is some good news in the year for those of you who want to check the iPadOS 17, as Apple makes its developer beta available freely to anyone who wants it.

However, what needs to be noted is that this early developer beta version could be filled with all kinds of bugs. While Apple no longer charges for access, Apple recommends using devices that are not used to store important files in it because there may be problems.

Yesterday VOI described how to install iOS 17 beta for developers. Now, we will tell how to install and activate the 17 beta iPadOS in almost the same way.

First, you have to install 17 beta iPadOS by using your Apple ID. To register Apple ID to receive the Beta update, follow this way:

Once you do this, you will be taken to the home page of the account with the option to sign up for the Apple Developer Program. Well, now to enable and install 17 beta iPadOS on your iPad.

Previously, make sure your iPad has to run iPadOS 16.5 or later for this option to appear. After that, do this method:

It takes up to an hour or more to download and prepare the 17 beta iPadOS and then install it on your iPad. Once completed, your device will restart and take you through a series of regular welcome screens and settings.

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