Apple Users Should Transfer Personal Photos To Other Devices
Photo: Apple's My Photo Stream Display (photo: Apple)

JAKARTA - Tech giant Apple has announced that the My Photo Stream service will be deactivated on July 26, 2023. For this reason, Apple asks its users to start moving their photos and save them in iCloud. What's wrong?

My Photo Stream is a free Apple service that allows users to automatically share and sync their photos or videos between different Apple devices. Thus, users can take pictures on their iPhone and view them directly on other devices such as the iPad or Mac that connects to their iCloud account.

"As part of this transition, uploading new photos to My Photo Stream from your device will be discontinued one month earlier, namely on June 26, 2023," Apple wrote in its announcement, quoted Sunday, May 28.

So, every photo uploaded to the service before that date can still be accessed for 30 days from the date of upload. However, after passing that deadline, the photos will no longer be available on My Photo Stream and can only be seen via iCloud.

"Photos on My Photo Stream are already stored on at least one of your devices, so as long as you have a device with the original, you won't lose any photos as part of this process," Apple added.

If the photo you want is not yet in the library on a specific iPhone, iPad, or Mac, make sure you save it in the library on the device.

In the future, Apple recommends that users switch to iCloud Photo services as the best to continue updating photos and videos that you take on all your devices and store safely.

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