Yamaha Takes Early Steps On Motorcycle Production With Aluminum Environmentally Friendly
Yamaha MT-09 (Photo: Yamaha)

JAKARTA - In early March, Yamaha announced a form of concern for the environment and a Yamaha strategy for future purposes. One of them is by producing the latest motorbikes with the use of environmentally friendly aluminum materials.

Going forward, Yamaha is also planning to expand the use of this "green" material to more models in the future. They do this in stages. And since last February, Yamaha has started using this material.

This environmentally friendly raw material will be perfected using renewable energy sources, so as to reduce the use of carbon.

Reporting from the Yamaha press release, they stated that 12 to 31 percent of the total vehicles are made of aluminum. The application in the production process can play a significant role in reducing carbon footprint.

The manufacturer bearing the "Garpu Tala" logo also exhibited its next product through the latest Yamaha MT-09 as part of a change to green aluminum material.

As long as supply chains and volume allow, Yamaha will continue to expand the use of green aluminum for other models.

Yamaha also has plans for 2050 in the form of the "Yamaha Motor Group Environmental Plan 2050", which aims to achieve carbon neutrality across the company's activities, including the entire supply chain.

Dalm means, Yamaha plans to be serious in the use of sustainable materials, which is to switch to 100 percent using sustainable materials at the end of the period.

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