15th Anniversary Simple Google Maps Update
Google Maps icon (Google)

JAKARTA - Coinciding with the 15th anniversary of Google Maps, it has updated the appearance of its digital map application. Not only are the icons or logos new, Google also includes several feature updates for Google Maps.

As reported by Business Insider, the most striking changes can be seen from the logo. Previously, the Google Maps logo was just a location pin with a map image accented with the letter G. Now the Google Maps symbol is made much simpler with a combination of green, red, blue, yellow, and white according to Google's colors.

Not only that, Google also embed several changes to its digital map feature. How many additional features are the Explore, Commute, Saved, Contribute and Updates categories. Basically this update highlights all the daily tasks that are used by its users as a navigation aid.

The reasoning behind this new design is rooted in newer functionality added to Google Maps, such as an increased focus on user-submitted content and the ability to follow other users. With the new tab, more features will be front and center for the user instead of just being placed in the side menu.

New features in Google Maps (Google doc)

For example, the Explore tab, which allows Google to provide information on restaurants and tourist attractions around its users, complete with ratings and reviews about these locations. This feature will be very useful when visiting new places.

Furthermore, the Commute tab, this feature will clearly provide some information regarding the location of the mode of transportation when traveling. Google Maps users can also contribute as local guides, to display information on places or alternative routes.

Another update is coming for Live View, which is an augmented-reality (AR) feature from Google. Later this Live View feature will be present lighter, and not only display the location of the destination along with the 3D navigation mode as a pointer.

In fact, Google Maps has come before Android or iOS. Since 2005 Google Maps has been the most used digital map site for navigation assistance. One of the selling points is, this Google Maps service can be accessed for free without the help of additional tools.

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