Need Sign Sign When Making Documents On Apple Pages? Here's The Trick
Now you can add signatures via your iPhone or iPad. (Photo: dock. Apple)

It's better if you save digital signatures, this will make the process easier. You also don't need to repaint your signature on Pages.

For information, Apple Pages is a word processor, this application is part of iWork's productivity series and runs on macOS, iPadOS, and iOS operating systems, available on iCloud on the web.

Here's how to insert signatures on Apple Pages via your iPhone or iPad.

Add Images of Your Signature

If you have a signature photo, you can put it in the document in just a few steps.

1. Open your document on Pages and place the cursor where you want it to image.

2. Select Media in the toolbar.

3. Select Photo if the image is in the Photo app. Then, select an image to place it in your document.

Or, select if the image is elsewhere on your iPhone or iPad. Find the image, select it, and select it. If the image is on your desktop or in the open folder, you can drag it directly to Pages.

4. You will then see an image of your signature in your document, then you can drag the angle to change its size while maintaining the aspect ratio.

Or, select the image and use the Format button in the tool bar to open the sidebar. Then, open the Settings tab and use the Size section on the side panel to adjust the dimension.








Add Signature to Pages Via iPhone or iPad

Maybe you're working on Pages documents on iPhone or iPad. You can insert a signature image, take it with the camera, or use a drawing tool to create a signature.

1. Open your page document and place the cursor where you want it to sign.

2. On iPhone, tap the Plus sign at the top and select the Media tab. On iPad, tap the Media button at the top.

3. Select Photo or video if the image is in the Photo application. Then, select to add it to the document.

Or select Camera if you want to take a photo of your signature from the physical location. Tap the Rana button to take an image, and select Use a photo to insert it.

4. You can also select Image to sign your name directly on your device. Select the Pena tool, sign your name, and tap Done to use a sketch.

5. Once your signature appears in the document, you can drag the angle to change its size.

You can also select images, tap the Format icon, and use settings in the Susun tab to customize size, position, or rotation. This is quoted from Digital Trends, Monday, November 21.

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