Now, Tracking Package Delivery Can Via Gmail
Illustration of Google is aggressively launching tools for online shopping. (photo: Google dock)

JAKARTA - Google seems to be actively launching tools for online shopping. This year, Gmail introduced a new feature to help you save time and always monitor all your shipments.

As a follow-up, in the coming weeks, Gmail will feature a simple and useful look on package tracking and your delivery information directly in your inbox.

Gmail will clearly display your delivery status when you view the entry box list and in the summary card at the top of each email. Unfortunately, the tracking of this package will only be available in the United States.

Gmail will provide key details at a glance about your package delivery, which includes estimated arrival date and status, such as being Label made, Tiba tomorrow, or Sent today.

Through a Gmail setting, you can choose to receive a live packet tracking update. Later, Gmail will automatically search for an order status using your tracking number and display it in your inbox.

"We also know what it's like to wait for the package, just to find out that it's delayed. In the coming months, Gmail will help eliminate some of those surprises," said Ilya Brown, VP, Product, Gmail in a Google blog.

In addition, Google has also launched several new shopping features by utilizing Google Search. Where users can easily find good offers directly from the search.

When users browse a product, Google will now display results with coupon codes that they can copy and paste at checkout. However, coupons are only available for certain products.

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