LaNyalla Encourages Agricultural Technology Innovation To Empower Farmers
Chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti. (photo: doc. DPD RI)

SURABAYA – Empowerment of farmers' capabilities through technology is a serious concern for the Chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti. For this reason, he continues to encourage the empowerment of farmers to foster agricultural technology innovation.

According to LaNyalla, in the 4.0 era, technology has become an important thing to be introduced to farmers in the framework of developing their agricultural cultivation.

"In this 4.0 era, agriculture must adapt to technology. Technology must be used to develop agricultural cultivation," said LaNyalla, Saturday, February 26.

LaNyalla, who is currently in recess in East Java, said the use of technology in the agricultural sector must support the national agricultural development goals. The objectives include providing food for all the people, improving the welfare of farmers and boosting exports.

"The technology must bring benefits, not only for the goals of national agricultural development, but also for the farmers themselves," said LaNyalla.

The senator from East Java said that one of the supporting factors for boosting marketing was production innovation, in terms of taste, shape and size. "Innovation of a product in addition to opening new markets also provides choices for consumers," said LaNyalla.

LaNyalla supports the innovation or development of commodity products carried out by the UPT Development of Agribusiness Crops and Horticulture (UPT PATPH) in Lebo Village, Sidoarjo District. They made an innovation of square and heart-shaped melons.

"With food technology, innovations can be made that produce various models, sizes, shapes and flavors as an attraction and increase competitiveness," he said.

LaNyalla also encourages the results of these innovations to be developed by farmers. Thus, farmers will get and feel the added value of using this technology. "Farmers must get added value from every technological innovation produced," said LaNyalla.

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