How To Easily Send Google Docs Documents As Email Attachments
How to submit Google Docs (Makeuseof)

YOGYAKARTA - Google Docs internet-based document management service is a feature developed by Google to make it easier for users to view and save the documents they have.

This feature can be used by users to write and save various documents online. In addition, you can also send it to other users via electronic mail or email.

Although it is stored online and is not in the form of a file on a computer device, users can send it as an attachment in an email. The method is also very easy and users do not need to convert it as a specific file first.

However, to open and send Google Docs files, users must be connected to the internet. The reason is, to open it you have to access the browser application and also enter the user's email first.

If you already have an internet connection, users can follow the steps to send Google Docs documents as attachments that have been compiled by the VOI team below.

Sending Google Docs As Email Attachments

To send a Google Docs file as an attachment in your email, users can first open Google Docs through a browser application on your devices such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

Next, open the document you want to send as an attachment in the email. Then click the "File" menu on the document page that you open.

Scroll to the bottom and select the "Email" menu, then click the "Email this File" menu.

At the next stage, you will be faced with a new window that asks you to fill in a number of fields to complete the document you are about to send.

Users can fill in the "To" field with the email address of the recipient of your document. Then, "Subject Email" will be automatically filled with the title of the document you sent.

If the user wants to change "Subject", you can click on the column and replace it with the word or sentence you want.

You can skip the "Don't attach. Include content in the email" box, or uncheck it so that the file is sent as an attachment.

Users can also specify whether the document will be sent in RTF, PDF, or other file types available on the menu.

After all, fields are filled in, users can send the document you created in Google Docs as an attachment in an email, by clicking "Send" in the menu at the bottom.

That was the way you can do to send a Google Docs file in an email in the form of an attachment. You can try it to make it easier to submit assignments or other work reports.

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