These Are 3 Important Notes Of PON Papua From Ma'ruf Amin
Vice President KH Ma'ruf Amin delivered a speech at the same time closing the PON Papua (Photo: PB PON XX PAPUA / M Solihin)

JAYAPURA - The implementation of the XX PON 2021 was officially closed by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Ma'ruf Amin, Friday night at the Lukas Enembe Stadium, Kampung Harapan, Jayapura Regency.

In his speech, Ma'ruf Amin explained three important notes that made the implementation of the Papua PON not easy to organize.

First, the construction of sports infrastructure is carried out very massively with international quality standards.

Second, the location of the XX PON venue with 44 arenas spread across four clusters, namely Jayapura City, Jayapura Regency, Mimika and Merauke which makes this national event very unique.

"And the distance between the venues is the furthest and has never been held in PON so far," said Ma'ruf Amin.

Third, PON Papua was held in conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic which required extra work with strict health protocol implementation but could be carried out until it was completed very well.

"For me, this is the most difficult PON that can be held but it turns out that Papuans are not only able to organize it, but Papuans have even managed to organize it perfectly," he said.

He also congratulated the people of Papua because the successful implementation of the XX PON shows that Papua is not only equal to other provinces in Indonesia but in some aspects it is even superior.

"This is in accordance with the motto of Torang can, and Torang can is not only a slogan but is real and proven," added Ma'ruf Amin.

Several other important notes in the 2021 national event in Papua are, the central KONI recorded that 60 new records were created. Five of them came from the sport (sports) diving.

From 37 sports, 65 disciplines with 681 match numbers, West Java province became the overall champion and the XXI PON 2024 will be held in Aceh and North Sumatra.

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