PP Pelti Rocked The Issue Of The National Conference Looking For A New Chairman
The consolidation meeting itself was attended by representatives from 23 Provincial Management (Pengprov) PP Pelti (doc. Pelti).

JAKARTA The Central Board of the Indonesian Tennis Association (PP Pelti) was shaken by the issue of the Extraordinary National Conference (Munaslub) to find a new general chairman.

Munaslub's wish was called for by the Cross-Communication Forum for the Provincial Management of the Indonesian Tennis Association (Pengprov Pelti Forum) in a consolidation meeting in Jakarta on 27-28 December 2024.

Wacana Munaslub muncul lantaran adanya krisis kepemimpinan dan tata kelola organisasi dalam tubuh PP Pelti yang saat ini dipimpin oleh Ketua Umum Nurdin Halid.

"Tennis sports must be a unifying tool for the nation, not an internal conflict field," said the Coordinator of the Lintas Forkom for the PP Pelti Provincial Government, Rudi Basuki.

The consolidation meeting was attended by representatives from 23 provincial administrators (Pengprov) Pelti with trial leaders Mustafa (Central Sulawesi), Rahmadin (NTB), and Taufan (Aceh).

During the meeting, the Lintas Pengprov Pelti Forkom conveyed several important points such as dissatisfaction with the current leadership.

The majority of Pengprov stated that they did not believe in Nurdin Halid's leadership and General Secretary Andi Fajar Asti.

Another thing that was highlighted was policies that were considered not democratic, such as freezing the Provincial Government without clear procedures and appointing task implementers without revoking the previous decree. This then led to dualism in management and conflict in various regions.

Management policies are also considered opaque, not accountable, and contrary to democratic principles. This hinders the development of tennis at the regional and national levels.

Therefore, the Lintas Pengprov Forkom urges the current general chairman to resign immediately and calls on the Munaslub as a step to choose a new leadership that is more competent and with integrity.

"We hope that the Munaslub can be a turning point to restore harmony and encourage better coaching of tennis athletes," said Rudi.

Forkom Lintas Pengprov Pelti hopes for full support from the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) and the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) to accelerate the implementation of the National Conference for the advancement of national tennis.

Currently, a total of 34 Pengprov Pelti in Indonesia and 27 of them stated that even though there were only 23.

Nurdin Halid was only elected as Ketum Pelti by acclamation at the Extraordinary National Conference (Munaslub) in June 2024. He was then sworn in a month later.

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