Rizki Juniansyah's Life Changes 180 Degrees
Rizki Juniansyah is still motivated to appear in the next two Olympics (doc. NOC Indonesia).

JAKARTA Rizki Juniansyah admitted that his personal life had changed drastically after he successfully won a gold medal at the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Atlet asal Serang itu naik podium tertinggi di kelas 73 kilogram ketika tampil pada Olimpiade Paris 2024. Ia keluar sebagai yang terbaik dengan total angkat 354 kg (snatch 155 kg dan clean & jerk 199 kg).

He was recorded as defeating Thai athlete Weeraphon Wichuma, who brought home a silver medal and Bulgarian lifter, Bozhidar Andreev, who bagged bronze.

"My life changed 180 degrees after the Paris Olympics won a gold medal. Yesterday before the Olympics I felt desperately wanted to try to win the Olympics. After winning I completely changed. I was called and invited here and there," he said.

Apart from being the center of attention after that achievement, Rizki also received a lot of appreciation from the government and the private sector in the form of bonuses. This also changes his financial strength.

However, Rizki was reluctant to have a big head. He said that he only wanted to live his daily life as usual as an athlete and focused on the next targets to be achieved.

"I feel like Rizki is still the usual one when I return home. I am still a mama's child, training again from scratch. The point is to keep grounded and don't be arrogant," said the lifter who was born in Serang.

Rizki, who is currently only 21 years old, still has a great opportunity at least for the next two Olympics, namely in Los Angeles 2028 and Bribane 2032.

The plan is for Rizki to play in the 81 kilogram class for the two upcoming Olympics. However, his opportunity to return to make Indonesia proud remains great.

"I don't think I'm proud and happy to win gold here. There are still the Los Angels and 2032 Olympics. Of course the Olympics are now the beginning of my journey and my motivation for the next," said Rizki.

Rizki Juniansyah will next appear at the Aceh-North Sumatra National Sports Week (PON) 2024 which will take place on September 8-20, 2024. In that event, he will appear on behalf of Banten Province.

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