Badminton Racketing Interests For Beginners To Professionals
Illustration of badminton (Freepik)

YOGYAKARTA Novice badminton players should pay attention to the pull of the racket strings. The reason is, this factor also affects the quality of the game. Then, how much is the string drag of badminton rackets for appropriate and comfortable beginners?

Please note, string drag is the level of string density applied to badminton rackets. The size used in string pulling is a poundage unit (lbs). The unit is used to determine the height or low tension of the racket string.

The pull of the racket strings is very important for the players considering that the racket strings function as a medium for badminton. The faster the pull of the racket strings, the harder the racket strings, the higher the accuracy and control of the racket.

If the string is low, then the force goes up, but it will affect the accuracy and control of the downer racket. But the force of the blow is not so big that the weight on the wrist and arms is not too big.

The string attraction of badminton is basically different, depending on the user. However, the level of tightness of the pull of the racket between beginners and professionals is different. The following is a recommendation to pull the badminton racket string for beginners to professionals.

Many suggest pulling the strings of the novice badminton or begginer racket is below 20lbs. But there are also those who suggest a maximum of 22lbs. These considerations are based on the need for novice players to master basic techniques first.

Medium-level badminton players may use a racket string from 20 to 24lbs. This figure will help players increase hitting accuracy.

Some of the further players are more comfortable using the pull of the racket string from 24 to 27lbs. But there are also those who use the 22-23lbs drag. The pressure at that figure allows players to apply a varied hitting technique.

Professional badminton players will use a racket string between 27-30lbs+. It should be noted, the higher the level of pull-off of the racket, the better the hitting accuracy will also be. But the burden on the hands is also comparable. For example, Indonesian badminton athlete Kevin Sanjaya uses a racket string between 33-35.

How Athletes Measure Game Level

As a badminton player, sometimes someone is confused about what level they are at. Here's how athletes measure the level of the game.

Beginner badminton players are emphasized more to know the basic techniques. In the game, beginners don't need to put a lot of effort into hitting them.

Athletes at this level usually have started to use great energy as well as being able to control the ball. Medium-level players began to dare to attack.

Professional players are usually proficient in controlling power, have high firing accuracy, and can decide when to attack or defend.

That's information related to the string of badminton rackets for beginners. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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