Volkswagen Completes New Cars To Electric Models With ChatGPT
Illustration of the use of ChatGPT in VW cars. (Photo: Volkswagen)

JAKARTA - German automaker Volkswagen announced the integration of ChatGPT artificial intelligence (AI) in all ID model lines, all electric, new golf, Tiguan to Passat.

ChatGPT can be integrated through Volkswagen's IDA sound system, offering a new set of options that go far beyond previously available voice control. Users can now interact with cars easily.

Currently, the IDA voice assistant from VW allows drivers to control infotainment systems, navigation to climate control. With the presence of ChatGPT, of course, it increases this function.

"Volkswagen has a long tradition of technology demonstrations. As a manufacturer, we make this technology accessible to many people. By integrating ChatGPT into voice assistant backends, we now offer drivers the opportunity to use this artificial intelligence every day, thus confirming how innovative our products are," said VW Management Board member Kai Gr\unitz, in his official statement, Tuesday, June 25.

The presence of ChatGPT also allows users to get information about tourist attractions, or whatever they want. The way it works, drivers simply talk without having to take their eyes off the road.

Volkswagen users will not need to bother because there is no need for additional accounts or applications for ChatGPT, for those who already have an existing VW Connect or Connect Plus account, they can continue to use the IDA voice assistant as usual, because it will be forwarded automatically to ChatGPT.

Quoting from the Teslarati page, ChatGPT is available for use in at least five languages on VW vehicles, namely English (US and English), Spanish, Czech, and German.

Use on Volkswagen vehicles is made possible thanks to collaboration with Cerence Inc., global leaders in automotive AI solutions, and the Cerence Chat Pro, which uses a wide range of sources including ChatGPT to allow IDA to provide accurate and relevant information.

Earlier, in January 2024 Volkswagen presented the first vehicle with an integrated ChatGPT into the IDA voice assistant at CES 2024, an electronic trade show.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by