Vauxhall Corsa Kembali Menjadi Mobil Terlaris Di Inggris, Apa Punya?
Corsa Electric. (Doc. Stellantis)

JAKARTA - Vauxhall Motors, a British automaker that is the parent of Stellantis' Opel brand, reported a significant increase in sales of Vauxhall Corsa in the UK during August.

Vauxhall Corsa again top-ranked car sales in August according to the latest new car registration data published by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT).

Corsa is the best-selling B-class (small car) hatchback and ranks second-grossing overall in the UK this year, with sales of 25,692 units.

Meanwhile, the Corsa Electric variant remains the best-selling small electric car (Electric B-Hatch) throughout 2023, with sales of 2,220 units so far this year.

In the company's release, September 5, Vauxhall said it would become a pure electric car brand by 2028, or seven years earlier than the deadline set by the British government.

"It is very encouraging to see Corsa continue to excel in the list of sales of both electric and gasoline variants. Corsa Electric's success is proof of our commitment to becoming a pioneer in the transition to electrification in the UK," said James Taylor, Managing Director of Vauxhall.

Why is Vauxhall Corsa popular in England?

Vauxhall has long had a reputation as a reliable brand in England. Previously, it was more popular among boys, now increasingly popular with all sexes and is often the first car's choice to be safe and reliable.

In fact, quoted from warrington-worldwide, there is a survey showing that compared to other well-known brands, this brand is above the average of other manufacturers about its reliability. In fact, when kilometers have passed 160,000 km, the car is without much problems.

In addition, the choice of models offered includes electric cars, but the main thing is the realistic price. And Corsa and Astra from Vauxhall are the two most interested car choices in the UK.

Meanwhile, the latest Corsa Electric has undergone considerable changes, with new generation 51st motors and batteries Vauxhall with a range of up to 395 km (WLTP) at prices ranging from 19,625 pounds, or around Rp377 million and the first shipment at the end of 2023.

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