Arriving In Indonesia, BMW IX Electric Cars Are Immediately Handed Over To Customers
BMW Astra hand over BMW iX to customers. (Photo: Bagus Muhammad Hafizh / VOI)

JAKARTA - Some time ago, BMW released its newest Sport Activity Vehicle (SAV), BMW iX xDrive40. Now, the car has arrived in the country.

BMW Astra Indonesia as a distributor as well as BMW's official dealer for Indonesia, today handed over BMW iX to customers at BMW Astra Serpong.

Sanfrantis Tanu, as CEO of BMW Astra, revealed that it is happy to be the first distributor to provide and hand over the first 17 BMW iX units in Indonesia.

"BMW Astra is proud as BMW's official distributor today to be able to hand over the BMW Electric SAV which is in great demand to the first 17 buyers of BMW iX in Indonesia," Sanfrantis told the BMW Astra media crew, Tuesday, March 21.

On this occasion, BMW Astra also ensured the readiness of workshop facilities and technician expertise that were not only qualified to serve BMW iX, but also BMW and MINI electric vehicles in general.

Sanfrantis added that all technicians in the official BMW Astra dealers in Indonesia have received certification which is the main requirement for technicians to handle the latest BMW and MINI electric vehicles.

"All official BMW Astra workshops in Indonesia have technicians who have received Gen 5 certification from BMW AG. This certification is the main requirement for technicians to be able to handle the latest BMW and MINI electric vehicles, including BMW iX. In addition, we have also equipped all BMW Astra branches in Jakarta and Surabaya with special facilities and equipment to handle the latest BMW and MINI electric vehicles," he concluded.

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