Pope Francis And Message Of Tolerance For Indonesia
Pope Francis when he met President Jokowi at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta. (Antara)

Pope Francis' visit to Indonesia is not just an official visit by a religious leader. More than that, this moment brings an important message about tolerance and harmony between religious communities. The Pope emphasized his recognition of Indonesia's diversity and his commitment to maintaining global peace.

As the country with the largest Muslim majority in the world, Indonesia welcomed the Pope warmly and respectfully. The government even released a special stamp in honor of this visit. This welcome strengthens the principle of "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" which is the foundation of national life in Indonesia. From the Istiqlal Mosque to the Cathedral Church, the symbol of interfaith unity is clearly visible.

When visiting the Istiqlal Mosque, Pope Francis was not only present as a guest, but also signed a humanitarian document that emphasized the message of peace and unity. The Grand Imam of the Istiqlal Mosque, Prof. Dr. KH Nasaruddin Umar, MA., welcomed this step as strengthening interfaith brotherhood. The Silaturahmi Tunnel connecting the Istiqlal Mosque and the Cathedral Church is a physical symbol of harmony in Indonesia's diversity.

In the Great Mass at the Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium, attended by 86,000 people, the Pope delivered a strong message to Indonesian Catholics. He reminded them of the importance of building a civilization of peace and invited people to continue to dream and work for peace.

Pope Francis also emphasized the importance of maintaining religious tolerance, by respecting different beliefs. This message is very relevant in today's world, where religious-based conflicts still often occur.

Pope Francis' visit also continues the history of good relations between the Vatican and Indonesia. Previously, Pope Paul VI visited Indonesia in 1970, followed by Pope John Paul II in 1989. Pope Pius XII also gave his blessing to Indonesia's first Chief of Police, General Soekanto, when he asked for prayers for Indonesia's independence.

However, Pope Francis brought a new perspective. He emphasized that dialogue is the key to overcoming tensions between religious communities. This visit confirmed Indonesia's position as a country that has succeeded in maintaining harmony in diversity in the international world.

The Pope also emphasized that universal human values ​​can be a bridge between religions. For the Pope, evangelization is not about imposing faith, but spreading compassion and fraternity, a message that is relevant to all religions.

The Pope's humble attitude during this visit is an inspiration for leaders. His humility and dedication to serving others are examples worth following.

Amidst differences, this visit brings new hope for peace. While many countries are still plagued by religious conflicts, Indonesia proves that differences are strength. The Silaturahmi Tunnel visited by the Pope has become a global symbol of living together in peace.

The main message of this visit is the importance of maintaining and developing interfaith dialogue. The Pope's visit is an important moment for Indonesia to strengthen the religious tolerance that has been built.

We should be proud that the Pope recognizes "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" as the foundation of the nation's diversity. In the midst of religious conflicts that are still rife in the world, Indonesia provides an example that differences are a gift that must be celebrated. Now, our task is to pass on this message of tolerance to future generations.

Pope Francis also touched on Indonesia's natural wealth when giving a speech at the Istiqlal Mosque. According to him, Indonesia's greatest wealth is not only in its natural resources, but also in the harmony that is born from differences. "Indonesia is a mosaic of culture and diversity that reflects the beauty of its ecosystem and surrounding environment," said the Pope. The message is clear: maintaining harmony is far more valuable than exploiting natural resources.

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