JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives' Honorary Court (MKD), Trimedya Panjaitan, admitted that he was surprised by the forced pick-up of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) against the Deputy Speaker of the DPR, Azis Syamsuddin, at his residence, Friday, September 24, tonight.
The reason is, he does not know how many times Azis has been summoned by the KPK for investigation. Azis was also known to have sent a letter because he was unable to attend today's examination because he was undergoing self-isolation (isoman). "We never knew how many invitations this (Azis case, ed) was, the spokesman didn't speak. Earlier we followed the news from this morning, the spokesman said Mr. Azis sent a letter, the letter was allegedly leaked, and he asked because he is isoman, respects government programs then asked to be called on October 4. (Apparently, red) there was a pick-up, we were surprised too," Trimedya told reporters, Friday, September 24, evening.
For this pick-up, the MKD will hold an internal meeting and convey its stance if there is a legal status announced by the KPK. "We don't know what status they were picked up in, indeed this is a new trend at the KPK now, which is not announced but called, suspects, then immediately detained," said Trimedya. "We'll just have to wait because usually it's like this 1x24 hours. If Mr. Azis becomes a suspect, the MKD will meet and convey his position. But we have to comply with the procedural law, summon all sorts of contestants, although the legal process at the KPK will be able to speed things up," he continued. Trimedya said the MKD respects the law enforcement process that is running at the KPK. Meanwhile, the DPR's ethics board is still waiting to determine the legal status of the Deputy Speaker of the DPR for Korpolkam. "We are observing the case of Mr. Azis 3-4 months. We have received complaints from the public and the status of the complaints has been verified by experts. We just need to schedule and call the defendants because we don't want our steps to be different from the legal process. Because the sanctions in the MKD are from the lightest, verbal to dismissal," he explained. "We gave a warning and then (for example) he was a suspect (his status), we have to follow the development of the case. We are quite careful in this case. We don't know what status he was picked up in," he continued.
Trimedya emphasized that the leadership of the DPR MKD has not been able to take a stand on Azis Syamsuddin's sanctions. Because, he said, the case was different from that of a member of the House of Representatives from the NasDem faction, Hasan Aminuddin, who was caught in a sting operation (OTT) and his wife, the Regent of Probolinggo. "You can't do it yet (behave, ed). That's the case of Azis attracting attention, it's different from the other day, his husband is a member of the DPR and his wife is a regent, it's different because of the OTT. " he said. The MKD, added Trimedya, also cannot change the leadership of the DPR, if Azis' status has been determined as a suspect. This is because the change is under the authority of the Faction, not the MKD. In this case the Golkar Faction.
"If a suspect is named, then a few days later, Mr. Azis resigns. Azis is a doctor of law, he is a senior politician," he said.
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