Suspected Terrorist Arrested In Petamburan, Marries Widow Of 3 Children, Seller Of Little Children's Clothing
Evidence found by the Densus 88 Team at the house of the suspected terrorist/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - The arrest of a suspected terrorist in Tanjung Duren, West Jakarta is a series of arrests of one Jamaah Islamiah (JI) in Bekasi.

Based on the information, before the arrest of the Detachment 88 team at the National Police Headquarters led by Iptu Noor S, he first coordinated with the Tanjung Duren Police Chief, Commissioner Rosana Albertina Labobar, to arrest suspected terrorists in her jurisdiction.

Evidence found by the Densus 88 Team at the house of the suspected terrorist/ Photo: IST

After reconnaissance, Densus 88 succeeded in bringing the alleged perpetrator who was the structural administrator of Jamaah Islamiah led by SLH (58) into custody.

Several items of evidence were found by the Densus 88 team, such as dozens of jihad books, sharp weapons, and a firearm. To avoid things that are not desirable, the suspect was immediately taken to the West Jakarta Police Headquarters, for examination.

The Densus 88 team at the house of the suspected terrorist/ Photo: IST

Meanwhile, based on information from residents around the TKP (the crime scene), the alleged perpetrator is known as a quiet person, a Koran teacher at one of the mosques on Main Street 6, Jelambar Baru. Meanwhile, the suspect's wife, SNT, used to be a widow with 3 children. SNT's daily life is selling children's clothes at the Kebon Pisang Market.

The alleged perpetrator lives in his wife's house, on Kebon Pisang Street, Wijaya Kusuma Village, Grogol Petamburan District, West Jakarta. At that address, the alleged perpetrator has lived for about 5 years.

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