Questioning The Consistency Of Anies' Campaign Promise In Ancol Reclamation Licensing
DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan (Photo: Diah Ayu Wardani / VOI)

JAKARTA - The issuance of reclamation permit from DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan to PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol covering an area of 150 hectares is being questioned. The permit contained in the DKI Governor's Decree (Kepgub) Number 273/2020 seems to have been made in silence. This is because this Kepgub was signed last February but it is only now known.

One thing that is questionable is Anies' consistency in making permits for recreational expansion in the Ancol area. Anies volunteer during the 2017 Pilkada campaign doubted Anies' commitment to opposing and promised to stop the reclamation project before being elected to lead Jakarta.

"At the beginning of the DKI Jakarta Pilkada, we supported Anies and Sandi than the other pairs because of their persistence in rejecting any reclamation activities," said Anies-Sandi Citizen Network Volunteer coordinator, Sanny A Irsan, when confirmed on Tuesday, June 30.

But recently Anies even gave a reclamation permit. "This permit creates a big question mark for most of his supporters, especially his supporters in the coastal areas of Jakarta and the Thousand Islands," he said.

Sanny argues, there are indications that the reclamation of the Ancol recreation area is a trick of the planned reclamation projects on K Island and J Island which were not developed because their licenses had been revoked.

However, the reclamation concept was changed by connecting artificial land with the land in the Ancol area. That way, this reclamation no longer looks like an island.

"As we know, these two islands are located in the Ancol Beach area of Taman Impian. There are indications that this reclamation permit is a continuation of the original plan for the reclamation of K and J islands but with a different concept," he said.

After all, said Sanny, the activity of dumping or hoarding land in marine waters is still called reclamation. This clearly violates Anies' campaign promise in the Jakarta Pilkada campaign two years ago.

"Our hope is that Mr. Anies Baswedan can immediately cancel the reclamation plan in Ancol by revoking the Governor's Decree so as not to disappoint the people of Jakarta, especially residents on the north coast of Jakarta," said Sanny.

Likewise, DKI DPRD Commission B member Gilbert Simanjuntak also considered Anies deceived his constituents by violating one of his 23 campaign promises during the DKI Regional Election, namely the question of stopping reclamation.

"This reclamation permit is not in accordance with what his campaign promised. He is inconsistent. How can we respect an inconsistent person? In fact, human dignity is in his words," he said.

Gilbert admitted that the DKI Jakarta DPRD Economic Affairs Commission missed the issuance of the reclamation permit in Ancol. He said, PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, as a Jakarta Regional Owned Company (BUMD), never submitted a report regarding the planned expansion of Ancol recreation in a joint meeting with the Commission on the economic sector.

"We are also confused. Suddenly there is a chairman. (Kepgub) is a long process, published from February. During the meeting with Jaya Ancol, they did not tell us either," said Gilbert.

However, Gilbert considers that the Ancol reclamation permit in the Governor's Decree 273/2020 is not yet strong enough to become a legal basis if Ancol starts construction later. This is because, said Gilbert, reclamation activities must be regulated in a regional regulation (perda), the preparation of which involves the DPRD.

"This is about adding new lands, of course the DPRD must discuss an analysis of environmental impacts and all kinds," he said.

For information, the permit for the expansion of the Ancol area was stipulated in the Decree of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 237/2020 on February 24, 2020. In details, the permit for the expansion of the recreational area covering an area of 35 hectares is for the recreation of Dunia Fantasi (Dufan) and 120 hectares for the expansion of land spread across the Ancol area.

The expansion of the area by PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol must first complete a number of technical studies, namely integrated flood management studies, the impact of global warming, planning for area expansion materials, planning for basic infrastructure / infrastructure, analysis of environmental impacts, and other studies.

Regarding the granting of permits, PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol is obliged to provide the basic infrastructure, facilities and utilities needed to develop the area. For example, road networks, public transportation, utilities, flood control infrastructure, blue open spaces, green open spaces, waste management facilities, and river sedimentation around the area expansion.

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