KPK Relaxed Even Though MAKI Sues Pretrial Regarding Termination Of Supervision Of Djoko Tjandra Case
Joko Tjandra (Photo: ANTARA)

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) respects the pretrial lawsuit filed by the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) regarding its decision to stop supervision in the bribery and gratification case carried out by Pinangki Sirna Malasari from Joko Tjandra.

"We see this as a form of attention to efforts to eradicate corruption in Indonesia," said Acting Spokesperson for the KPK for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, to reporters, Tuesday, August 24.

The KPK, he continued, is not worried, considering that in the pretrial submission, it will be tested first whether the subject matter of the lawsuit meets the requirements or not.

Even so, Ali explained, the implementation of supervision of corruption cases is only carried out until the investigation stage and this is in the provisions.

"So, supervision activities are declared complete when the case in question has been transferred to the court," he said.

Ali also said that the cases that have been entered into the trial process are the authority of the panel of judges and cannot be intervened by anyone, including the KPK.

However, if later it is found or suspected that there are allegations of corruption that are still related, the KPK invites the public to report it along with initial data.

"We will make sure to follow up," said Ali.

For information, MAKI Coordinator Boyamin Saiman said the lawsuit was registered at the South Jakarta District Court yesterday, Monday, August 23. This submission was made because KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri on July 30, 2020 stated that supervision of the corruption crime committed by Pinangki Sirna Malasari regarding the processing of the Supreme Court's fatwa had been stopped.

In fact, in the first-degree decision, the Jakarta Corruption Court of Justice stated that there was a king maker or intellectual actor in this case.

"However, the Panel of Judges stated that they were unable to find out who the king maker was, so it was the KPK's obligation to find the role of the king maker as an intellectual actor from Pinangki Sirna Malasari et al to free Djoko Tjandra from the prison sentence for the Bank Bali corruption case," said Boyamin.

He considers that the KPK has neglected corruption cases because it has stopped supervision which has hampered the handling of cases and created legal uncertainty.

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