NasDem Legislator Regrets Puan Not Mentioning The PKS Bill In The Law Completion Target
Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Body (Baleg) DPR RI Willy Aditya/ iNSTAGRAM

JAKARTA - The Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, said that she would rush for 7 bills to be discussed by the council in the Opening of the First Session of the 2021-2024 Session Year, Monday, August 16.

However, in the target 7 bills mentioned, Puan did not mention that the Bill on the Elimination of Sexual Violence (PKS) was included in it. In fact, Puan should have announced this PKS Bill because it was being discussed in the Legislative Body (Baleg) of the DPR. But it only mentions the commitment to accelerate the discussion of the 7 bills that are still being discussed by the commission. Deputy Chairman of the Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR RI, Willy Aditya, regrets that the PKS Bill which is being discussed by Baleg is not included in the priority list for settlement. He considered the absence of mention of the PKS Bill in the 7 targets of the bill because there was no good communication between the Council's Apparatus (AKD) and the leadership of the DPR. , Thursday, August 19.

In addition to the PKS Bill, Willy explained, there are bills that remain to be ratified in the plenary, namely the Indigenous Law Community Bill and the popular Domestic Workers Protection Bill (PPRT).

"That's why Baleg then put forward it to be submitted to the leadership. However, it seems that the chairman of the DPR did not see it," said Willy. He suspects that Baleg, who is at the heart of the legislation, was not invited to communicate in this regard.

"In fact, we always update. The updates come from the circle, from the staff. As for the customary law community and PPRT as the head of Baleg and Chair of the Panja, I have written to Mbak Puan three times. There is no response at all," explained Willy. The legislator for the East Java XI constituency reminded that the bill that had been agreed upon by the DPR's Standing Orders had to be finalized. Meanwhile, the leadership, said Willy, had no right to hinder, withhold, or delay what was decided at the first level. In fact, the approval has been completed in the Deliberative Body (Bamus). "We even interrupted several times at the plenary session that the bill must be finalized immediately. Of course we regret this poor communication," he explained.

Alluding to the difference in perception regarding the urgency of the need for the PKS Bill, according to Willy, it is something that is natural and natural. "However, political differences and differences in perception that occur must be built and dialogued with each other," said Willy Aditya.

As is well known, DPR Chair Puan Maharani said that in carrying out the legislative function, during this session, the DPR will focus on completing a number of deliberations on bills at level I with the government. These include the Personal Data Protection Bill (PDP), the Disaster Management Bill, and the Fifth Amendment to the Law on General Provisions and Tax Procedures.

Then, the Bill on Financial Relations between the Central Government and Regional Governments, the Road Bill, the Village Owned Enterprises Bill (Bumdes), and the Bill on the National Sports System. In addition, Puan also explained that the DPR and the government will prepare to discuss other bills that have become a joint commitment in the 2021 Priority National Legislation Program.

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